
A shareholders’ agreement, also called as stockholders’ agreement.It is an arrangement among shareholders that describes how a company should be operated and outlines shareholders’ rights and obligations. The agreement also includes information on the management of the company and privileges and protection of shareholders. The shareholders’ agreement is intended to make sure that shareholders are treated fairly and that their rights are protected. It allows shareholders to make decisions and provides safeguards for minority positions. A shareholder’s agreement often includes clauses relating to the shareholder’s rights in the areas like Voting rights, Right to choose an auditor for the company, Right to have copies of the company’s financial statements and Inspection of the company’s registers and books.
An employee contract is a formal agreement between the employer and the employee that lays out their respective rights and duties. It is generally made for management or senior level employees who are involved in business strategies and have access to sensitive information. The standard employement contract includes compensation details, duration of employement, designation, role and responsibility, confidentiality, non-competition clause, notice for termination of the contract. An employment contract must be signed by both the parties. It serves as an important document to settle disputes that may arise between the employer and the employee.
A freelancer contract is an agreement between the freelancer and a company. It outlines the various terms and conditions regarding the work undertaken by the freelancer. This agreement is essential as it helps to build a strong and fair relationship between the company and freelancer. A company may require temporary assistance with a specific task or project. As a result, rather than hiring a full-time employee, they may prefer to hire a freelancer. A freelancer is a person who specialized in a specific sector of work and works for one or more companies on a project basis. The freelance agreement should includes scope of work, timelines, compensation, termination, advance charges if any . The contract protects the interests of both the company and the freelancer that Even if any dispute arises between the company and freelancer, the contract serves as a legal guide for the settlement of such disputes.
A franchise agreement is a legally enforceable contract between a franchisor and a franchisee. The contract outlines the information regarding how the firm should run & the franchisee meeting the expectations of a franchisor. It is an agreement in which the company franchisor agrees to allow the individual franchisee to use the brands name or system. The details of franchise agreement includes locality, operation, training, duration, franchise fee, royalty, trademark, marketing, termination and strategy.
A license agreement is a legally enforceable agreement between the licensor and the licensee. The licensor gives freedom to licensee regarding the right to make and sell goods or right to use a brand name or trademark held by the licensor under a normal licensing agreement. An agreement of license between a trademark owner and a manufacturer is an official document that states that the manufacturer of a product has the permission to manufacture the product by the company or the individual who has trademarked it. However, the trademark owner gets to choose the licensing terms of this agreement. Licensing agreements for intellectual property, such as patents, trademarks, and copyrighted works, are the most common among those. This agreement is a very important piece of evidence which is valid in the court of law to ensure that the trademarked component is not being copied.
A service-level agreement (SLA) is a commitment between a service provider and a client. Particular aspects of the services like quality, availability, responsibilities are agreed between the service provider and the service user. The most common component of an SLA is that the services should be provided to the customer as agreed upon in the contract. The agreement differs depending on the vendor, service, and industry. SLAs are an essential part of any outsourcing or technology vendor contract. An SLA provides remedies when requirements are not met as mentioned. The SLA includes description of service, exclusions, service performance, redressing, security, risk management, service tracking, review and termination. The main purpose of SLA is to enhance customer service by communicating directly with the customer and meeting their expectations.
A Joint Venture Agreement is a legal document where two or more entities combine to do business or undertake an economic activity together. The parties either agree to form an agreement without incorporation of new entity but with the common intention of running a business or create a new entity by contributing equity and share the revenues, expenses and control of the enterprise in the proportion of their capital contribution. A contractual joint venture (JV) allows the parties to continue filing their tax returns independently while yet enjoying the financial benefits of a partnership such as resources of together.
A partnership is a kind of business where a formal agreement between two or more people is made. They agree to be co-owners, distribute responsibilities for running a firm and share the income or losses that the business generates. All these information is documented in a document which is known as partnership deed. The purpose of a partnership deed is to provide clear understanding of the roles of each partner, which ensures smooth running of the operations of the firm. It specifies the various terms such as profit/loss sharing, salary, interest on capital, drawings, admission of a new partner, etc. in order to bring clarity to the partners. Though issuing a partnership deed is not mandatory, but it’s always better to enter into a partnership deed to avoid any possible disputes and litigation among the partners. It must be stamped and signed by all the partners.
Forming legal and binding contracts are crucial aspects for performing business operations anywhere in India. All emerging startups and companies are keenly interested in getting legal services for agreement purposes. The entrepreneurs and business owners should attempt to get an attorney in order to ascertain the structure of their businesses, and also they would get safeguarded against liability claims. , we will be managing any unexpected discrimination and harassment claims that may create troubles in the smooth run of your business. Before problematic legal troubles occur for your startup business, you should take proper preventive measures with our support at the initial stage to eliminate legal disputes. We are committed to simplifying the legal procedures and mandatory legal and business compliances for small business owners and young entrepreneurs. We would give you enough space to focus on the enhancement of the activities taking place in the company while our set of legal experts will be handling your legal matters and paperwork. We will be meeting your ongoing demands in terms of legalities.
Legal Vetting means making a careful and thorough examination of documents to be executed in terms of law. Legal vetting of contracts results a thorough due diligence of clauses of the agreement and also results in ensuring all safeguards are taken where specific role is defined with monetary security, legal remedy and well defined issues etc. since a badly drafted agreement will not only result in confusion in wordings but may also result in losing your stand due to the anomaly created by the usage of the words. Since an agreement must be read, interpreted, and analyzed in accordance with the wordings and expressions used in the body of the agreement. It is important to realize that under no circumstances can a fake term be infused. As a result, it is always recommended to go for legal vetting of an agreement/documents in order to avoid unanticipated losses that may effect if a suitable action of legal vetting by a law company is not carried out on time.
A Loan Agreement, also known as a term loan, demand loan, or a loan contract, is a contract that documents a financial agreement between the lender and the borrower. This contract specifies the amount of the loan, any interest charges, the repayment plan, and payment dates. A written contract gives both the borrower and lender a clear outline of the terms of the loan. A Loan Agreement may be either secured or unsecured. The loan agreement can be used for startup business as capital, purchasing an Asset , student educational purpose or personal debt. Each type of loan arrangement and its repayment terms are controlled by both state and Indian rules intended to avoid illegal interest rates on repayment. The loan agreement includes collateral with insurance, interest with late fee on loan amount and location of asset. A loan agreement legally protects the borrower and the lender by keeping track of the payments.
An agreement of sale is a legal document that outlines the terms of a real estate transaction. It lists the price and other details of the transaction, and is signed by the seller and the buyer. An agreement of sale is also known as the contract of purchase, contract for sale, contract agreement or sale agreement. It is known as contract to transfer property even after both the parties sign the agreement, the property hasn’t changed hands, and the deed isn’t in the buyer’s name. Sale agreement is a promise of a future transfer of property ownership. The contract clearly states the price a buyer agrees to pay for either goods or the fulfillment of some kind of condition stipulated. Both parties must agree to these terms and sign the contract to make it valid. An agreement to sell contract cannot cover a sale that has already taken place. The deadline might be a specific date, once a certain amount of time has elapsed, or once certain conditions have been satisfied.
A sale deed is a legal document that showcases the transfer of title, rights, and ownership of a property from a seller to a buyer. It is the most important document that legally reports the proof for the buyer and seller. It is an essential document for both the buyer or the transferee and the seller or the transferor. The purchase or sale of the property is not legally complete until a sale deed is signed between the buyer and the seller. Normally, a sale deed is signed only after both the parties are satisfied and comply with the terms and conditions. A sale deed concludes the sale into a legal document it is enforceable by the law. It reduces the trouble as all money due can be specified in the document. This makes the process of sale more stable and comfortable. Additionally, it assures that your property is not taken for granted given the existence of a registered and stamped legal document. The sale deed includes parties, property being transferred, indemnity, possession and sale consideration.

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) refer to transactions between two companies combining in some form. Although mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are used interchangeably, they come with different legal meanings. In a merger, two companies of similar size combine to form a new single entity. On the other hand, an acquisition is when a larger company acquires a smaller company, thereby absorbing the business of the smaller company. M&A deals can be friendly or hostile, depending on the approval of the target company’s board.
A business framework is nothing but a conceptual structure which talks more about the utilization of knowledge, process techniques and a critical analysis which helps in getting on the required business requirements. Using this framework, the individual will be able to understand the pain points of the business and also emphasize more on business enhancement opportunities. It helps the organizations to define and validate the solutions whether they actually meet the business needs and objectives or not. The study will help the organizations to bridge the gap between what is already available vs. what else should be built.
A financial forethought is an overall evaluation of an individual’s current pay and future financial state by using the current known variables to predict the future income, asset values, and withdrawal plans. Financial forethought includes the budget which organizes the business and the individual finances and at times includes a series of steps or specific goals for spending and saving for the future. This forethought distributes the future income to various types of expenses such as rent or utilities and also reserves some income for the short-term and long-term savings as well. A financial forethought is sometimes referred to as an investment plan, while personal financing focuses on specific areas like risk management, estates, colleges, or retirement.
We help our clients create a practical plan by incorporating every aspect of investments, insurance, taxation as well as ease of execution. We aim to construct a financial plan that not only directs our clients towards the path of financial freedom but also gears them up to face any unanticipated financial stress situation through relevant asset allocation strategies. With realistic projections of savings, income, expenses, inflation, portfolio returns and incorporation of multiple “What-If” scenarios, we will help our clients with a financial plan that can help them sail through a storm with a margin of safety.